
Showing posts from October, 2023

Thematic Output: A Greener Future Begins With You

National Clean Up Month is when people from all walks of life take the month of September to roll up their sleeves, grab trash bags, and are on a mission to clean up the environment. From individuals to organizations and even local governments, everyone has one common goal at this time and that’s to restore and maintain the beauty of our surroundings. This observance always comes with encouragement to fight against littering, pollution, and other environmental challenges we face in our daily lives. We're encouraged to raise awareness about cleanliness, conservation, and sustainable living. When everyone puts their minds together in an effort like this we can make a huge impact on our planet. The beauty of it all is that it’s just one simple step toward creating a cleaner, healthier and more vibrant world for generations ahead. September is National Clean Up Month by virtue of Proclamation No. 244, while World Clean and Green Week is observed from September 17 to 23 every year.  The

A Letter to President Bongbong Marcos: Addressing Aspirations and Concerns.

  Greetings, Mr. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. I hope this letter finds you in good condition. I'm writing to you today to let you know how I feel about your leadership and the course that our nation is taking. I want to start by expressing my optimism and hope for your presidency. You have accepted a position of big responsibility, and I really hope you will guide our country with honesty and a sincere concern for the welfare of its people. Your family's contributions to our nation have had a long-lasting influence, and I think you have the power to alter things for the better. However, I also feel a sense of worry and concern. Expectations are high, and our country faces a wide range of difficulties, including social, environmental, and economic problems. I'm hoping you'll put everyone's welfare first, regardless of social or economic standing, and try to build a more welcoming and egalitarian society. Certain parts of the population are also somewhat angry and f

A Brighter Tomorrow: Navigating the Path to Resilience in the Philippines

The Philippines, a nation vulnerable to typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, has been working to strengthen its resilience in the face of these difficulties. The creation of effective disaster management and preparedness systems has been a significant component of this undertaking. To ensure that residents are well-prepared for calamities, the government has made significant investments in early warning systems, evacuation strategies, and community education. In addition to saving lives, these initiatives have lessened the financial cost that disasters take. The Philippines is aggressively dealing with long-term environmental sustainability in addition to preparing for disasters. Because of the serious threat that climate change poses to the country, attempts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and switch to renewable energy sources have received attention rising sea levels and changing weather patterns are affecting the country's agricultural sector and coastal communities i

We Thank You, Our Wonderful Educators

For the daily dedication and tireless work you put into fostering young brains, I want to offer my sincere gratitude and appreciation. Your dedication to education is absolutely wonderful, and it has had an important influence on many people's lives, including mine. You are more than simply teachers; you are also role models, mentors, and advisers. Your enthusiasm for sharing knowledge and talent for inspiring students' interest are impressive. I appreciate you fostering an atmosphere where learning is not just a chore but rather a fun adventure of discovery. Your impact goes well beyond the classroom, influencing our society's future and fostering the development of people who will have a beneficial impact on the earth. I am truly grateful of the kindness and compassion that you show, especially when addressing the many needs and difficulties of your kids. You definitely excel at adapting, understanding, and supporting each of us as we learn and develop. Your words of supp

Let Me Tell You About Me!

Do you guys know me? If not let me introduce myself. My name is Sheena Grace R. Alibin and I would like to describe myself with this letter. First, I would like to talk about where my name came from. When I was born my doctor wanted my name to be named as miracle/milagrosa, She wants this to be named for me because I’m a miracle baby, You’ll know more about me as a miracle baby later, but this time let’s focus on where does my name came from. So my doctor wants my name to be miracle/milagrosa but my mom did not want that name so they named me as “SHEENA” which came from my dad’s name and I don’t know how it went as “SHEENA” because my dad’s name is “SANTIAGO”. But according to my parents, my name “SHEENA” means "Grace of God”. And for my second name which is “GRACE”, came from the Bible which means “unmerited favor of God”,  so that’s the background of my name. So I was talking about why am I a miracle baby so I’ll tell you why. My parents can’t have a child for almost 15 years bu