
  The lessons learned from HTML and the hands on nature of Community Based Research are worth considering as the third quarter draws to an end. It's been an adventure of learning and discovery this quarter, from understanding the complexities of tables, unordered lists, and ordered lists in HTML through hands on experience in web design.

 Maintaining my productivity and effectively managing time have been a challenge for me. Sometimes I'd find it hard to concentrate, or finish a task on time, which was quite irritating. A number of tasks, quizzes, assessments, assignments and thematic projects that need to be completed before the end of the quarter have been particularly demanding in this third quarter and thematic projects that we need to finish before the end of the quarter, and it truly drains us to think about that.  Despite all of these obstacles, I experienced plenty of fun activities and enjoyed doing tasks with my friends. I and my friends were sharing a great deal of laughter and happy memories during these fun activities. Not only did these new experiences make our class discussions fun, but they also fostered a sense of creativity and shared new knowledge with us. 

  As we close this quarter, I'm grateful for the guidance and support of our educators, Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz and our practice teacher, Sir Angelo, who have been instrument in shaping our learning experiences. We have been inspired by their enthusiasm and dedication to strive for excellence in everything we do. I'm going to keep working harder and making progress towards my goals as I move on to the last chapter of this school year. We are now stepping almost on the top of  a stair to success. Life can be rough, but let's not give up and keep the optimism in us.


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